racing and sports tips

Rohlon Drunk 5. El Salto 2. Dr Dee Dee 6. Analysis MR GEORGE was narrowly beaten as a favourite last start at Oakbank on a soft track and drawn the rails, well placed.

ARTISTIC GAL amongst the placegetters last start running third at Gawler on a soft track and has two placings from four runs this prep, the real danger in the race. THE PARTING GLASS unwanted by the market but right up there last start at Naracoorte and should race on the speed, in with a chance.

GALLIUM came on to finish midfield last start at Murray Bdge when resuming and up in journey, looks threatening. Mr George 1. Artistic Gal The Parting Glass Gallium 7.

Analysis FOURTH POWER resumes from a 21 week spell and likely to race on the speed, major contender. MISS GATSBY finished a length back from the leader last start at Naracoorte and has three placings from seven runs this prep, don't treat lightly. Fourth Power 6. Knickpoint 4. Redwinelover 9.

Miss Gatsby 7. Analysis HASTA LA CHILLY resumes from a 16 week spell and generally strong first-up placing at Hamilton last attempt, leading hope.

NANKEEN won last start to break maiden at Naracoorte and rates highly with Dom Tourneur retaining the ride, don't dismiss. BYWATERS ROAD first-up after 32 week break and won't be far away in the run, place hope.

DUBAI NIGHTS has two placings from three runs this prep and ran seventh last start at Strathalbyn, needs the breaks. Hasta La Chilly 3.

Nankeen 8. Bywaters Road 5. Dubai Nights 6. THE PENSKE FILE coming off a win to break maiden at Murray Bdge and is up in journey, don't dismiss. SPACE EQUITY let-up and drawn ideally, dangerous. ONE SKY ABOVE US won once this prep at Murray Bdge five runs back and rates highly with Sairyn Fawke back on board, each-way claims.

Interfering 6. The Penske File 2. Space Equity 1. One Sky Above Us 4. SUPREME THUNDER 2 wins from six attempts this campaign and racing back from metro track, still in this. PEWTER Christine Puls has had success aboard previously and five of 12 wins have come from dry ground, needs the breaks.

Dunmaghlas 8. Supreme Thunder 9. Badonkidonk 1. Pewter 2. Pakenham VIC Good 4. Analysis THE MANSMAN has four placings from four runs this prep and first try at this distance, the testing material. PURE POWER was narrowly beaten as a favourite last start at Yarra Valley and gets the blinkers back on, needs the breaks.

FLAG FLYER ran one and a half lengths back from the winner last start at Benalla, place chance. AKI kept chasing and just missed last start at Spendthrift Australia Park when first up, place hope. The Mansman 3. Pure Power 2. Flag Flyer Aki 8. KHALIDA back from 31 week spell and ran in two trials, among the main chances.

ANNOY'EN ONE first-up after week spell and placed at only start at Sale, if in the finish no surprise. GATOR finished in the middle of the pack last start at Racing.

com Park and placed once this prep at Cranbourne, looks threatening. THINK ROCK first-up after 59 week spell and racing back from the city, sneaky chance. Khalida 7. Annoy'en One 4. Gator 2. Think Rock 8. Analysis JOHNNY WATTS ON ran two lengths back from the winner last start at Racing. com Park when first up and placed at Wodonga in only second-up attempt, big chance.

SNICK has placed in two attempts this campaign but placed as a favourite last start at Sale on a soft track, looks threatening. YOUR SHOUT GINGIE ran two lengths back from the winner last start at Racing. com Park and placed once this prep at the track, place claims. FIGHTING EDGE first-up after 14 week break, place hope.

Johnny Watts On 5. Snick 8. Your Shout Gingie 6. Fighting Edge Analysis HAPPY LINK just missed when heavily backed at only start at Moonee Valley and racing back from metro track, big chance.

MOBY DICK on debut and has trialled at Cranbourne-Trn, not the worst. Happy Link 9. Switchblade 1. Moby Dick Bravissima 3. ELLY DEE first-up after 29 week break. Comes to hand quickly and placed at Mornington when last first-up, don't treat lightly. GUERRERA hasn't run a bad race and coming off a win at Sale, still in this.

LE DERRIERE let-up and racing back from metro track, place best. Elderberry 6. Elly Dee 7. Guerrera 2 Scratched. Le Derriere 9 Scratched. Analysis BRAZEN BON winner despite being unwanted in the betting at only start at Yarra Valley and has the speed to overcome drawing the widest barrier, key chance.

ARTISTIC GENIUS resumes after a 25 week spell and winner when on debut at Cranbourne, could upset. DENIRRA made ground late to win last start at Bendigo and rates highly with Theodore Ladd aboard, capable of getting into the money. NETO racing back from metro track and won once this prep at Wangaratta four runs back, not the worst.

Brazen Bon Artistic Genius 6. Denirra 3. Neto 7 Scratched. Sportsbet Bet With Mates Country Mile Series Heat 4 Hcp Analysis BIG KATE won at only start at Yarra Valley and Adam Mc Cabe a bonus, commands respect.

FUZZ BUZZ racing back from the city and won once this prep at Cranbourne two runs back, place chance. EMERALD JACK resumes from a spell of 66 weeks and resumes well running third at Cranbourne when last first-up, strong place chance.

SUPERSET ran sixth last start at Sale when first up and ran fourth at Racing. com Park when last second-up, needs the breaks. Big Kate 5. Fuzz Buzz 4. Emerald Jack 6.

Superset 7. Analysis Not much between these. SUPER SOLAR won last start at Stony Creek and Tom Prebble a bonus, a close top selection. PRINCESS TOSEN won last start at Spendthrift Australia Park and rates highly with Ben Allen aboard, still in this.

Super Solar 14 Scratched. Dancinginthedark Bellsprout 2 Scratched. Princess Tosen 7. Analysis Betting critical with so many on debut. BROOKLYN DANTZ has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, leading hope. MITOLE'S GIRL first starter and has not trialled, for the exotics.

TOP OF THE TABLE first start and untrialled, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck. BETTER BE SMART first starter and has not trialled, outside hope. Brooklyn Dantz 2 Scratched. Mitole's Girl 4. Top Of The Table 1. Better Be Smart 3.

Analysis Looks likely to be hot speed early. STJAMES has genuine early speed and has two placings from four runs this prep, a close top selection.

APOLLO RISING yet to miss the placegetters and capable of racing on speed, consider in exotics. CHEEKY TICO has been flying of late and last start winner to break maiden at Aqueduct, outside hope.

Stjames 2 Scratched. Apollo Rising 6. Masterwork 5. Cheeky Tico 1. DREAMING OF CARLI back from long 41 week spell and ran ninth at only start at Belmont Park, genuine contender. JAY'S LOVE finished midfield at only start at Aqueduct, if in the finish no surprise. DEBBIE DARLING has placed in both races run and amongst the placegetters last start running third at Aqueduct when resuming, cannot be ruled out.

Dreaming Of Carli 3 Scratched. Accelerina 2. Jay's Love 6. Debbie Darling 1. CHASING DAYLIGHT let-up and winner of three in a row after last start win at Aqueduct, a close top pick. MAGGIE first-up after 18 week spell and won at Saratoga in first outing, if in the finish no surprise.

REIGNING CHICK has a lot of early speed and has two placings from three runs this prep, could upset. GEORGE'S VICE unbeaten in both runs and has outstanding form at this track, could threaten. Chasing Daylight 1. Maggie 8. Reigning Chick 2.

George's Vice 5 Scratched. Analysis A number of horses will look to battle it out for the early lead. GUT FEELING back from 16 week spell and has won both races so far, genuine contender.

FULL MOON FEVER back from let-up and ran fourth last start at Aqueduct when first up, cannot be ruled out. DURKIN'S CALL back from 15 week spell. Comes to hand quickly and placed at Saratoga when last first-up, dangerous. PRINCE OF JOY has won or placed in all races to date and capable of racing on speed, still in this.

Gut Feeling 1. Full Moon Fever 9. Durkin's Call 8. Prince Of Joy 2. Analysis Anticipating this to be run genuine tempo. GOT THUNDER only just missed last start, finishing a nose back from the winner at Aqueduct when first up and looks the leader, the real danger in the race.

SKYLANDER resumes from a 21 week spell and has the speed to overcome drawing the widest barrier, could upset. HERO'S MEDAL coming off a win to break maiden at Aqueduct, in with a chance. Shipsational 10 Scratched.

Got Thunder 6. Skylander Hero's Medal 1. Analysis Backmarkers should get their chance in a good speed race. JODY'S PRIDE back after 17 week break and won at Saratoga in first outing, has solid claims.

AOIFE'S MAGIC back from 24 week spell and at only start winner at Philadelphia Park, consider in exotics. CARMELINA unbeaten in both runs and last start winner at Laurel Park, for the exotics.

Jody's Pride 6. Aoife's Magic 5. Carmelina 7. Regulatory Risk 1. Analysis Solid pace expected in this one. PETULANTE resumes from a 37 week spell and unbeaten in both runs, should go well.

COASTAL MISSION back after 20 week break and winner when on debut at Charles Town, consider. KINETIC SKY has been running well this campaign winning twice and placing in all other outings, cannot be ruled out.

QUALITY CHIC has won or placed in all races to date and has outstanding form at this track, could upset. Petulante 8. Coastal Mission 4. Kinetic Sky 1. Quality Chic 7.

Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, well placed. DURANTE back from let-up and has a lot of early speed, the real danger in the race. SUPER CHOW last start winner to break maiden at Aqueduct and hasn't run a bad race, in with a chance.

ROTKNEE has a lot of early speed and rates highly with Jose Lezcano retaining the ride, could threaten. Listentoyourheart 2. Durante 8 Scratched. Super Chow 3. Rotknee 5. EL GRANDE O has been flying of late and has a lot of early speed, strong place chance. LIGHTLINE hasn't run a bad race, place only.

Deterministic 3. Deposition 5. El Grande O 7. Lightline BALMORAL at only start winner at Auteuil on a soft track and has won here before, leading hope.

JUST A PRINCESS first-up after 39 week break and yet to miss the placegetters in two runs, for the exotics. FLANKER first-up after 13 week spell and has a lot of early speed, consider in exotics. JEDUSOR resumes after a 25 week spell and won or placed in two races to start career, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck.

Just A Princess. Analysis Market best guide for first starters. KALINQA back from six week let-up and capable of racing on speed, one of the main hopes. SHAENJET back after 23 week break and capable of racing on speed, among the chances.

HIGH HOPE resumes after a spell of 16 weeks and resumes well, has solid claims. BLEKOLINO ran fifth at only start at Lyon La Soie, dangerous. High Hope. ALGAJUST let-up and has a lot of early speed, marginal top pick. SOLOMON SEAL let-up, right in this. KAPSA resumes after a spell of 13 weeks and capable of racing on speed, dangerous.

Solomon Seal. SAINTELOI D'OROUX first-up after 14 week spell and finished nan off the winner at only start at Auteuil on a heavy track, has solid claims.

JOLIVENT first-up after 13 week break and hasn't been far away in first three races, dangerous. Sainteloi D'oroux. JAPON first-up after 14 week spell and won at Auteuil in first outing, genuine contender. GARRICK HARMONY back from 14 week spell and has won or placed in both races so far, don't dismiss.

TRUE TIGER resumes from a 13 week spell. Will come to hand quickly and ran second when last first-up at Auteuil, each-way claims.

IMPERIAL MAG back after 13 week break and won or placed in two races to start career, the real danger in the race. Garrick Harmony.

True Tiger. Imperial Mag. MAMIX'S PASSION let-up for nine weeks and capable of racing on speed, one of the main hopes. JUMPER BAIE resumes after a 15 week spell and capable of racing on speed, if in the finish no surprise. RAS KASSAR unbeaten in both runs and won last start at Angers on a heavy track when fresh, consider.

FRENCH EXIT resumes from a 15 week spell and finished midfield at only start at Auteuil, not without each-way claims. Mamix's Passion. Jumper Baie. Ras Kassar. French Exit. Analysis A race that should be solid pressure applied in early stages. KIWI DE CIERGUES resumes after an 18 week spell and finished a nose back from the leader at only start at Angers, a close top selection.

SAINT CRUSH let-up for six weeks and ran fourth at only start at Pau, among the chances. KENAVO BAIE finished 14 lengths off the winner last start at Pau on a soft track and should run fitter for past attempts, not without each-way claims.

CHEAP MONDAY let-up and looks the leader, looks threatening. Kiwi De Ciergues. Saint Crush. Kenavo Baie. Cheap Monday. INAYA JONES let-up and has a lot of early speed, commands respect. FILE AU POTEAU back after 13 week break and has a lot of early speed, cannot be ruled out. IT'S IN THE RAIN first-up after 17 week break.

Will come to hand quickly and ran second when last first-up at Auteuil, not without each-way claims. WHIPLASH DU MATHAN first-up after 24 week spell and in the money at only start running third at Auteuil on a soft track, each-way claims.

Inaya Jones. File Au Poteau. It's In The Rain. Whiplash Du Mathan. Charles Town. SPIRIT OF WINDSOR first-up after 23 week break. Winner of last two at Mountaineer and Charles Town, for the wider exotics.

PINK DINGHY let-up and looks the leader, for the exotics. Elle'sbigseacret 6. Spirit Of Windsor 1. Pink Dinghy 5.

Missionsninetynine 2. Analysis Looks to have good pace engaged in this one. COLT ROCK capable of racing on speed, for the exotics. JUBA BOUND has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck.

TIMMY let-up for eight weeks and looks the leader, for the wider exotics. Settlement Date 2. Colt Rock 5. Juba Bound 1.

Timmy 4. WORTH A PEEK resumes after a 34 week spell and placed when on debut at Mountaineer, serious player. WINDSOR'S PLAY has genuine early speed, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck. PALMARY a winner at first outing this prep and has won here before, include in exotics.

I'M A TOTAL DIVA back from 15 week spell and looks the leader, for the wider exotics. Worth A Peek 2 Scratched. Windsor's Play 3. Palmary 1. I'm A Total Diva 6. Analysis Expecting a solid tempo early in the race. GOLDEN KEY back from 11 week let-up and won at Charles Town in first outing, the testing material.

ROCKET APPEAL let-up for 11 weeks and has a lot of early speed, consider in exotics. BAYTOWN FROSTY has genuine early speed and should run fitter for past attempts, for the wider exotics.

AMIDSHIPS has a lot of early speed and has two placings from four runs this prep, outside hope. Golden Key 3. Rocket Appeal 4. Baytown Frosty 5. Amidships 6. Analysis Expecting this to be run at a genuine clip.

DEBT RELIEF back from let-up and finished 12 lengths off the winner last start at Charles Town, hard to go past. CABIN ABBY back from let-up and has a lot of early speed, place claims.

VIENNA'S TWIRL capable of racing on speed and has two placings from four runs this prep, capable of getting into the money.

Debt Relief 5. Cabin Abby 7. Vienna's Twirl 4. Rainbowsnsunshine 3. DIXIE YODELER has genuine early speed and has three placings from eight runs this prep, for the wider exotics. POUR ME A DRINK can't knock the form winning two in a row at Charles Town and has won twice at the track before, for the exotics.

WINDSOR'S MEMORY has genuine early speed and has multiple wins at Charles Town, include in exotics. Shewearsstilettos 3. Dixie Yodeler 2. Pour Me A Drink 1 Scratched. Windsor's Memory 4. TREASURER has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, still in this.

ESPRESSO coming off a win to break maiden at Charles Town and looks the leader, in with a chance. Strollinginthewind 8. Treasurer 6. Espresso 9. Lastwalktofreedom 5. MUD BUG resumes after a 13 week spell and resumes well running second at Charles Town when last first-up, has solid claims.

HIS ROYAL G let-up and capable of racing on speed, don't dismiss. GABRIEL'S WING looks the leader and won once this prep at Charles Town four runs back, cannot be ruled out. MISTER WINSTON let-up and capable of racing on speed, looks threatening.

Mud Bug 3 Scratched. His Royal G 1. Gabriel's Wing 9. Mister Winston 4 Scratched. Doncaster Soft. MICRO MILLIONS yet to miss the placegetters in three runs and in the money last start running second at Catterick on a heavy track when fresh, don't dismiss.

KAITUNA RIVER first-up after 67 week spell and ran 34 lengths back from the winner at only start at Warwick, not without each-way claims. Absolutely Fine. Micro Millions 0. Kaituna River 0. Download The Raceday Ready App Handicap Hurdle Gbb Race. MAC TOTTIE looking for a hatrick after winning two in a row at Aintree and capable of racing on speed, has solid claims.

FINGAL'S HILL has won three of nine on a softer track and has genuine early speed, don't dismiss. ARAMAX resumes after a spell of 17 weeks. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, still in this. COPPER COIN back from let-up. Placed at Kempton when last fresh and won two of 10 first-up, not without each-way claims.

Mac Tottie. Fingal's Hill 0. Copper Coin 0. Free Digital Racecard At Raceday-ready. com Handicap Chase Gbb Race. NUBE NEGRA capable of racing on speed and has two placings from four runs this prep, will take the power of beating.

TOMMY'S OSCAR has multiple wins at Doncaster and has a lot of early speed, consider in exotics. MALYSTIC placed last start at Doncaster when fresh and likes the cut in the ground, include in exotics. THE BIG BITE resumes from a long 52 week spell and likes the cut in the ground, outside hope.

Nube Negra Scratched. Tommy's Oscar 0. Malystic 0. The Big Bite. Tips For Every Race At Raceday-ready. com Mares' Novices' Hurdle Listed Gbb Race.

Analysis Stand-out between the top two picks. LUNAR DISCOVERY has won one of three on a softer track and two wins from five attempts this campaign, a close top selection. FOR GINA has genuine early speed and should run fitter for past attempts, among the chances.

BABY SHALLY looks the leader and won once this prep at Wincanton three runs back, looks threatening. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, the real danger in the race. Lunar Discovery.

For Gina. Baby Shally 0. DOES HE KNOW back from six week let-up and won two of seven with the sting out of the ground, tough to beat. ASHTOWN LAD resumes from a spell of 54 weeks. Placed at Aintree when last fresh and won one of five first-up, not the worst.

FLASH COLLONGES resumes from a long 52 week spell. Placed at Kelso when last fresh and won one of five first-up, place only. Does He Know 0.

Ashtown Lad 0. Flash Collonges. Get The Inside Track With Raceday-ready. com Mares' Handicap Hurdle. LINDA MOON looks the leader and has two placings from three runs this prep, commands respect. SPIT SPOT has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, hard to go past.

SUNDAY SOLDIER last start win at Sedgefield took streak to three in a row and looks the leader, for the exotics. BELLA CIVENA back from 16 week spell, consider in exotics. Linda Moon 0. Spit Spot 0. Sunday Soldier 0.

Bella Civena 0. KLITSCHKO back from let-up and hasn't run a bad race, a close top selection. SKYTASTIC resumes from a spell of 48 weeks. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, hard to hold out. SERGEANT WILSON let-up for 10 weeks.

Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, looks threatening. CUBAN CIGAR has genuine early speed and won once this prep at Musselburgh three runs back, in with a chance.

Klitschko 0. Skytastic 0. Sergeant Wilson 0. Cuban Cigar 0. Fair Grounds. MY TENNIS SHOES placed at only start at Fair Grounds, has solid claims. FOE let-up and capable of racing on speed, still in this. MO HAWK MAN finished midfield at only start at Fair Grounds and draws to do no work, in with a chance.

LARRY'S LUNCHBOX has placed in both races run and amongst the placegetters last start running third at Fair Grounds when fresh, each-way claims.

My Tennis Shoes 3. Foe 4. Mo Hawk Man 1. Larry's Lunchbox 6. Analysis Genuine speed engaged in this one. MO DIVA hasn't been far away in first two races, hard to go past. KEE JEE ran fourth at only start at Fair Grounds, could upset. GAMER NATE has placed in all three races run and capable of racing on speed, the real danger in the race.

REGATTA BAY back from six week let-up and in the money at only start running third at Fair Grounds, looks threatening. Mo Diva 3 Scratched. Kee Jee 4. Gamer Nate 5. Regatta Bay 7. BROADWAY STAR finished nan off the winner last start at Fair Grounds when fresh, hard to go past.

TENSAS LUCY back from let-up and in the money at only start running third at Fair Grounds, could threaten. BAYOU BERTIE placed at only start at Fair Grounds and has the speed to overcome an unfavourable draw, place hope. LADY ATHENA placed at only start at Sam Houston Race Park and has the speed to overcome an unfavourable draw, not the worst.

Broadway Star 7. Tensas Lucy 5. Bayou Bertie Lady Athena ZING drawn perfectly, has solid claims. J Z'S FIRST hasn't run a bad race and capable of racing on speed, dangerous.

DESSERT FIRST last start winner to break maiden at Fair Grounds when resuming and has won or placed in all three races so far, could upset.

YOLANDA WHO let-up and only just missed last start, finishing a nose back from the winner at Fair Grounds when resuming, don't dismiss. Zing 1. J Z's First 5.

Dessert First 2. Yolanda Who 6. SPEEDY DUDETTE coming off a win to break maiden at Fair Grounds and won or placed in two races to start career, has solid claims. VALE MALE back after 15 week break and coming off a win at only start at Fair Grounds, the real danger in the race.

HIGHLY WICKED a winner at first outing this prep and finished a nose back from the leader last start at Fair Grounds, in with a chance. Speedy Dudette 2. Vale Male 3.

Wholelottamo 5. Highly Wicked 7. AUNT BECCA resumes from a 14 week spell and has won or placed in both races so far, well placed. FIRED UP TIGER won at only start at Fair Grounds and has won here before, sneaky chance. ERVADEAN back from eight week let-up and last start winner to break maiden at Fair Grounds, don't dismiss.

ROSE PALACE placed when fresh and ran nan back from the winner last start at Fair Grounds, the real danger in the race. Aunt Becca 4. Fired Up Tiger 8. Ervadean 2. Rose Palace 6. MANGUM won or placed in three races to start career and has multiple wins at Fair Grounds, among the main chances.

JACK HAMMER has won both races so far and has won twice at Fair Grounds before, in the mix. WOODS N WATER back from let-up, dangerous. BEHEMAH STAR has had a flying start to their career, don't treat lightly.

Mangum 5. Jack Hammer Woods N Water 4. Behemah Star 2. Analysis Hard to gauge given the number of first starters. ABSOLUTE MIRACLE first start and has not trialled, one of the main hopes. NEED A BIT OF LUCK first starter and racing without trial, can figure.

SHE'S COOL first starter and racing without trial, should be thereabouts. NOTICE ME TOO first starter and has not trialled, still in this. Absolute Miracle 1. Need A Bit Of Luck 2. She's Cool 3. Notice Me Too 6. NEAT won last start at Sam Houston Race Park when first up and has won all three races so far, well placed.

ARMANDS KEY back from 14 week spell and won or placed in two races to start career, the real danger in the race. GORILLA TREK draws to do no work and expect to lead, in with a chance. CAN GROUP resumes after a spell of 17 weeks and won at Keeneland in first outing, still in this.

Neat 10 Scratched. Armands Key 7 Scratched. Gorilla Trek 1. Can Group 5 Scratched. BLUE CHEESE in the money at only start running third at Fair Grounds, a close top selection. CLEAR AS A BELE let-up for eight weeks and has had a flying start to their career, cannot be ruled out.

BUDRO TALKING has genuine early speed and has three placings from four runs this prep, the real danger in the race. Blue Cheese 5. Myglorybee 3.

Clear As A Bele 2 Scratched. Budro Talking 1. Golden Gate Fields. HAVAKASH READY has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, hard to go past. GOOD FOCUS ran fifth last start at Golden Gate Fields when first up, consider in exotics. DRUMADOON amongst the placegetters last start running third at Golden Gate Fields when fresh and looks the leader, outside hope.

FORDY G back from five week let-up. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, for the exotics. Havakash Ready 6.

Good Focus 3. Drumadoon 5. Fordy G 1. CHURCH HARBOR has won or placed in all three races so far and looks the leader, hard to go past. BALLROOM PRINCE capable of racing on speed and won once this prep at Golden Gate Fields six runs back, outside hope.

WINTER SOLDIER let-up and has a lot of early speed, for the wider exotics. VENOM let-up and won last start to break maiden at Golden Gate Fields, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck.

Church Harbor 2. Ballroom Prince 1. Winter Soldier 6. Venom 5. SONG OF SHADOWS resumes from a 14 week spell and won at Los Alamitos Racecourse in first outing, genuine contender. LADY GREGORY capable of racing on speed and a track specialist winning twice at Golden Gate Fields, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck.

YOU GO GIRL capable of racing on speed and should run fitter for past attempts, consider in exotics. MAGIC CHROME won last start to break maiden at Golden Gate Fields. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, outside hope.

Song Of Shadows 1. Lady Gregory 2 Scratched. You Go Girl 3. Magic Chrome 5. WESTWARD BREEZE let-up and coming off a win at Golden Gate Fields when fresh, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck. ICONIC SKY first starter and racing without trial, for the wider exotics.

Mischievous Curlin 4. Westward Breeze 2. Redstwirlingdancer 5. Iconic Sky 6. TALBOT BAY back from eight week let-up. Has plenty of early speed and a likely leader, genuine contender. RUNKERRY resumes after a 38 week spell, outside hope. COWBOY CHARLIE can't knock the form winning two in a row at Golden Gate Fields and has genuine early speed, for the exotics.

ZEUS' WAR finished fifth at only start at Golden Gate Fields, consider in exotics. Talbot Bay 3. Runkerry 4. Cowboy Charlie 1. Zeus' War 2. CARSON'S LEGACY first-up after 43 week spell and at only start winner at Golden Gate Fields, key chance.

BUENISIMO has a lot of early speed and has three placings from five runs this prep, consider in exotics. WALKING BOSS has a lot of early speed and has placed four times at Golden Gate Fields before, outside hope.

DESERT DUDE looks the leader, include in exotics. Carson's Legacy 6. Buenisimo 2. Walking Boss 3. Desert Dude 4. DULAS back from six week let-up and looks the leader, one of the main hopes.

HAPPY DOES has placed in two attempts this campaign and capable of racing on speed, for the exotics. REV REE back from 37 week spell and placed when on debut at Golden Gate Fields, include in exotics.

LAW ABIDING looks the leader, capable of getting into the money with a bit of luck. Dulas 4. Full Results. Race Replays. My Stable. Early Entries. Featured Racing.

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