poker betting

One Pair. High Card. Each player can usually take one of the following actions when it is their turn to act:. Check — To check is to decline the opportunity to open the betting. Players can only check when there is no bet during the current round, and the act of checking passes the action clockwise to the next person in the hand.

If all active players check, those players remain in the hand and the round is considered complete. Bet — Players may bet if no other players have bet during the current round. Fold — Players who fold forfeit their cards and cannot win or act again during the current hand.

Call — Players can call if other players have bet during the current round; this requires the calling player to match the highest bet made. Raise — Players may raise if other players have bet during the current round; this requires the raising player to match the highest bet made, and then make a greater one.

No Limit — in poker games with a no limit betting structure, each player can bet or raise by any amount up to and including their full stack the total number of chips they possess at any given time in any betting round, whenever it is their turn to act.

Pot Limit — in poker games with a pot limit betting structure, each player can bet or raise by any amount up to and including the size of the total pot at that time.

Fixed Limit — in poker games with a fixed limit betting structure, each player can choose to call, bet or raise, but only by a fixed amount. The fourth community card, called the turn, is dealt face-up following all betting action on the flop.

Once this has been completed, another round of betting occurs, similar to that on the previous street of play. The fifth community card, called the river, is dealt face-up following all betting action on the turn. Once this has been completed, another round of betting occurs, similar to what took play on the previous street of play.

After all betting action has been completed, the remaining players in the hand with hole cards now expose their holdings to determine a winner. This is called the showdown. The remaining players show their hole cards, and with the assistance of the dealer, a winning hand is determined.

The player with the best combination of five cards wins the pot according to the official poker hand rankings.

These hand rankings aren't specifically part of Texas hold'em rules , but apply to many different poker games. An intro to Texas Holdem, strategy, rules and styles of play, all combined for you to understand Texas Holdem with this ultimate guide.

Players construct their hands by choosing the five best cards from the seven available their two hole cards and the five community cards. Learning hold'em poker begins with understanding how hands are dealt and the order of play as described above.

Of course, learning Texas hold'em rules is just the beginning, as the next step is to learn strategy which involves understanding what constitutes good starting hand selection, the odds and probabilities associated with the game, the significance of position and getting to act last during those post-flop betting rounds, and many other aspects of the game.

This is where the PokerNews Poker Odds Calculator can help you. Now that you know how Texas Hold'em works, it's time to put the theory into practice and play your first games.

The best way to start playing Texas Hold'em is to start from these free online poker games and then move up to the real money action only when you feel comfortable enough to do so.

If you are completely new to the game, you should go for play money options, first. These risk-free games with fake money are an excellent way to familiarise with the different moments of play and the betting rounds.

The play money games are a great way to learn more about the hand rankings and begin to read the board fast enough to take all the right decisions at the right time. After that, you should more to the poker freerolls.

These are free poker tournaments with actual prizes on tap that range from free money to free entries into more expensive real money poker games.

Texas Hold'em is the most popular poker game variant, where players are dealt two private cards hole cards , and five community cards are placed face-up in the center of the table. The aim of the game is to make the best possible five-card hand, according to the poker hand rankings , using a combination of your hole cards and the community cards.

To win a hand of Texas Hold'em, you need to have the best five-card poker hand. The possible hand rankings , from highest to lowest, are Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair and High Card. If multiple players have the same hand ranking, the pot is split equally among the tying players.

In the game of Texas Hold'em, players take turns being the dealer. A dealer button is used and rotates clockwise after each hand. The player to the left of the dealer is the small blind, and the player two seats to the left is the big blind.

The 'Blinds' are forced bets to start the action and build the pot. The Dealer in Texas Hold'em will give each player two private hole cards, and then five community cards are placed face-up in the center of the table.

The community cards are dealt in stages: the flop three cards , the turn one card , and the river one card. The order of play rotates clockwise. It starts with the player to the left of the dealer and moves around the table. The player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind, and the next player posts the big blind to start the action.

Texas Hold'em can be played with as few as two players or as many as ten in the online casino world some variations of Texas Holdem can be played solo against the dealer. However, it's commonly played with 2 to 9 players at a table.

Texas Hold'em has several betting rounds. After the hole cards are dealt, there is a round of betting. Then, the flop is revealed, followed by another betting round.

The turn and river cards are revealed with a betting round after each. Players can check, bet, fold, call, or raise during these rounds. The strength of your hand is determined by its rank among all possible hands and the community cards. It's essential to understand hand rankings and how they apply to your specific hand in the context of the community cards.

Players can use any combination of their two hole cards and the five community cards to make the best hand. It's possible to use both hole cards, only one, or none at all, depending on what gives the best hand.

There are no hard and fast rules for when you should fold your hand, as it can depend on a number of factors, such as table position, the strength or style of your opponent, and which round of betting you are in.

However, knowing when to fold is crucial for preserving your chips and making profitable decisions, so we recommend heading over to the poker strategy section right here on PokerNews to read more. Pot odds involves comparing the current size of the pot to the cost of your next bet. Implied odds consider the potential future bets in addition to the current pot size.

Understanding these odds can help you make informed decisions. Bluffing is a strategic element of the game. Your table image refers to how other players in the game think of you , and this can play a big role in the effectiveness of your betting.

On the other hand, if you are seen as a tight player who folds frequently to bets and raises, then expect savvy players to bet into you more often. This could work to your advantage, of course, when you have a really strong hand, but it also will force you to make a lot of decisions and it will increase the importance of your cards connecting with the flop.

This style will cause other players to respect your raises more, but that means you may have difficulty building up substantial pots because players are folding to your bets. Your betting is how you communicate the relative strength or weakness of your hand to the other players at the table.

A strong, decisive bet indicates a strong hand, or at least that is what you want your opponents to believe. When playing live you should be ready and, when it is your turn to act, announce your action clearly and put the chips in the pot in one clean motion. The best poker players will be able to pick up on any tells you give away, so try to stay consistent in how you physically execute your moves at the table.

Calling, checking, hesitation, fumbling with your chips, indecision and re-checking your cards several times are all actions that indicate weakness. Find even more ways to raise your game in our poker strategy guides.

Know Your Betting Options When playing poker, you only ever have five options. You should know when to: CHECK: Stay in the hand without betting your money provided nobody else bets. FOLD: Discard your cards, giving up any chance to continue in the hand and win the pot.

BET: The first player to put money in the pot starts off the betting. Other players must then decide whether to call, fold or raise. CALL: Match the full amount that has been bet by another player in order to stay in the hand.

RAISE: Increase the amount of the existing bet. Other players will then have to fold, call, or raise your bet. Betting Vs. Calling There is a big difference between calling and raising. This would be a good time for a continuation bet , for several reasons.

You have a strong hand and are likely ahead. One of the two players may have an ace with a lower kicker and may call your bet. Your opponents are already inclined to believe you have a good hand because of your preflop raise.

If you are the first player to act postflop, your bet is equal to the amount already in the pot. For instance, if there is $ in the pot, your bet will be Duration Our guide to the concepts and rules on which all forms of poker are based, as well as popular variations such as Texas Holdem and Omaha

How to Play & Bet Texas Hold 'em Poker: Basic Rules


How to Play Poker - Texas Hold'em Rules Made Easy

Poker betting - Learn all about the fundamentals of betting in poker. Discover how to bet in poker, the different types of betting, and poker betting rules If you are the first player to act postflop, your bet is equal to the amount already in the pot. For instance, if there is $ in the pot, your bet will be Duration Our guide to the concepts and rules on which all forms of poker are based, as well as popular variations such as Texas Holdem and Omaha

Showing strength, in a variety of ways over the course of a game of poker , is very valuable to you because you're building a confident image of someone who bets well when the odds are in. Of course, continuation betting on every single hand is going to let you down eventually as people will realise you're just taking risks in an effort to intimidate.

But doing it when you've got a hand like the one above — strong, high cards but no pair — is wise as it's almost impossible that it'll happen every time you're dealt a pair of cards.

The only thing worth bearing in mind with a tactic like this is the huge amount of risk you're taking. As mentioned above, your continuation bet a chunk of your chips large enough to make it look like you've got serious faith in your hand plus your pre-flop bet means you are down a worrying amount of chips should someone call you on your bet with a better hand than yours.

It's a bold move, and one that you shouldn't be willing to make unless you can play as well short-stacked as you can when you've got a stack big enough to try a daredevil bluff like this one. But when it works, it's like all moments in poker when you pull something off like you're a member of Ocean's Eleven.

The continuation bet is a master bluffer's tool — make use of it. It's one of the first things you learn when playing tournament poker: don't bet into a dry side-pot. People say that if you and an opponent see the flop when a third player is all-in, you shouldn't normally bet - because it's more important to eliminate the all-in player than win a few extra chips.

This has become one a common fallacy in poker. In fact, there are many situations where it is correct to bet rather than attempt to knock out the third player. Let's look at some situations where it is correct to bet into a side-pot - and some where it's best to hang onto your chips. First of all, let's talk about situations where this received wisdom is true.

That is, when you shouldn't bet into a dry sidepot:. One situation is when you're in the bubble stages of a tournament or when you're at a stage in the tournament where there's about to be a significant jump in prize money.

Then, your primary goal is to eliminate players. That's because you make money every time a player is knocked out. For example, imagine you're in a tournament where 27 places are paid and 28 players remain. If two of you are in the pot and another player is all-in you should do whatever is necessary to eliminate the opponent who is all-in.

Usually, this means checking the hand down to give the maximum possible chance of eliminating the third player if your hand doesn't eliminate the all-in player, your opponent's hand might.

So, In general, you would only bet a very strong hand like a set, straight or flush - hands that are virtually guaranteed to win the pot.

But had you had bet, you may not have eliminated the player - and may even have risked going out on the bubble yourself. Obviously, this alternative costs you money in the long run and it's something you should avoid.

It's clear that there are situations where you should not bet and should try to eliminate players instead. However, the big mistake so many players make is to carry this advice over to all tournament situations, instead of just the specific ones it applies to.

They see this as universal advice because they don't fully understand the concepts behind it. Take the same situation, but now there are players remaining, again with 27 places paid. In this case, eliminating a player has almost no value whatsoever - there are no big money jumps or significant prize differences to worry about.

It's great if you send someone to the rail, but there will still be other players to eliminate before you make any real money. Consequently, you should make whatever play has the highest expected value at the time - your overall equity in the tournament is not yet important.

Often, this means protecting your hand by betting, regardless of whether there is a side pot. As you can see, poker isn't as simple as some would make it out to be.

Generic advice like 'don't bet into a dry side pot in tournament poker' shouldn't be taken at face value, so the next time you hear Captain Casino and his re-buy army offering poker lessons like this at the table, think about what they are saying in more detail.

Try to work out if the underlying concepts are correct - and why - before applying them yourself. As this rule shows, received wisdom isn't always reliable. Close Download PartyPoker LIVE. Download now. Poker rules.

Poker hand rankings. Starting Hands. Danger Hands. Short deck rankings. Texas holdem rules. Cash games. Poker stakes. Six handed games. PKO poker. Omaha Hi Low. Stud poker. Short deck. Splashing the pot is when a player spills their chips over the table instead of following correct etiquette when placing a bet.

A straddle bet is an extra bet placed before any of the cards are dealt. It is typically double the big blind. You will find different rules and variations of the straddle bet depending on where the game is played. A bet in poker is when you place money on the outcome of a hand. There are various ways to bet in poker, the most common being call and raise.

A string bet is an illegal—and unethical—move in poker where a player does not make all of their intended move in one go. Doing this is an illegal action often intended to elicit a reaction from the opposition. There are several types of string bets, including dropping your chips down one at a time and verbally declaring a call and a raise one after the other.

The minimum raise in a game of Texas Holdem Poker must be equal to the previous bet or raise. In a fixed limit game, players may only be able to go all-in when their stack is equal to or less than the pot. However, in a no-limit poker game, players can go all-in any time the action is on them.

A three-bet, or 3-bet, describes the first re-raise before the flop in poker. If someone raises, you may call, fold,…. Check-raising is a deceptive move in poker that involves checking your hand to an opponent, only to raise their subsequent….

Understanding the rules of poker is essential for any player looking to succeed at the game. From the basic mechanics…. Texas Hold'em is the most popular and widely played variation of poker in the world. In this game, players receive…. Read More.

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Follow tightpoker. Home Betting. The Guide to Betting In Poker: Betting Rules and Types. If you're new to playing poker, it's important to know how betting works. Different types of poker have different rules, but some basic things are similar. We'll cover everything you need to know about betting to ensure you can hold your own in your next poker game.

Betting in Poker. The Actions. The following are the main actions that a player can make during a poker game: Check: A check can only be used when a player is not facing a previous bet or raise.

When a player checks, they pass the action on to the next player without betting anything. Call: A call is when a player matches the amount of the previous bet or raise.

Raise: A raise is what it sounds like—when a player raises, they up the best from the previous player. Therefore, other players must now equal your bet if they want to continue in the hand. Fold: Folding is when players choose to forfeit their current hand and no longer compete for the current pot.

To find out how and when to fold, check out our guide to folding in poker. Check-Raise: A check-raise is a combination of two actions, the check, and the raise. First, a player must check on their first action and then raises after an opponent makes a bet.

This action is dependent on another player making a bet during the betting round; if that does not happen, a check-raise cannot take place. BLINDS AND ANTES Blinds and antes are both types of mandatory bets that must be placed in the pot on each. After each hand, the blinds will shift clockwise to the next players on the table.

BUY-INS In every poker game you play, you need to provide some sort of buy-in. Tournaments — You pay a set amount of money to buy-in to at the start of the event. Cash Games — You exchange your money for casino chips that have a cash value.

No matter what format of poker you play, you will need to buy in before you can begin. NO LIMIT VS. Once the blinds have been posted each player is dealt two facedown cards, which are often referred to as their hole cards. All you need to know for now is that after the blinds have been posted and the hole cards have been dealt, the betting action can begin.

This first betting round is called the pre-flop betting round. The action then follows around the table in a clockwise direction until each player has been afforded the opportunity to call, raise or fold. The whole betting procedure of poker can be a little confusing for beginners.

In our example hand you can see that players 2 and 3 have posted the blinds. What if a player decides to raise? Player 8 called, but players 9, 10, and 1 all folded and are also out of this hand.

Once all bets have been equalized i. matched , then the betting round is over. This brings us onto the next betting round, called the flop. After the first round of betting is complete three community cards are dealt face up in the middle of the table.

All the active players can use these three cards, along with their two hole cards, to make their best possible hand. You will notice that all the bets from previous round pre-flop are now in the pot.

After the flop has been dealt, another betting round begins. The first active player to the left of the dealer button starts the action. In our example this is the small blind from the opening round, player 2.

The forced action created by the blind bets no longer exists and that player has two options; to check or bet. A check means to neither open the betting nor fold. When a player checks the action moves onto the next active player, who may also check.

Poker betting - Learn all about the fundamentals of betting in poker. Discover how to bet in poker, the different types of betting, and poker betting rules If you are the first player to act postflop, your bet is equal to the amount already in the pot. For instance, if there is $ in the pot, your bet will be Duration Our guide to the concepts and rules on which all forms of poker are based, as well as popular variations such as Texas Holdem and Omaha

There are many factors to consider when figuring out how much you should bet. It is important that you bet the right amount — as mistakes can be costly. The size of your bet should be related to your position on the table and the state of both your cards and of the flop. Firstly, we would say that a standard bet before the flop it is generally thought that a bet pre-flop should be 3x the big blind can be a dangerous tactic as it only takes a few others to call your bet and the size of the pot will rise so quickly that many more players will want to compete for it.

Further, you won't have been able to gauge what sort of hands the other players hold, because everyone else will be betting from the perspective of a large pot rather than the strength of their hands. This means that you should bet more aggressively to scare those players who have a good hand off the pot.

A bigger bet will also help you see the strength of the other players hands, as only those with good hands will stay in. If you make a large bet, this will of course mean that anyone who wants to stay in the hand will have to increase their bets too, so the size of the pot will increase dramatically.

Use this to your advantage. In poker, there are only two types of hands — winning hands and draws. This comes down to two factors:. This will give you the reverse implied odds — the chances that the card that makes your hand actually gives your opponent a better hand.

The pre-flop raiser has been aggressive, so you think he has an over-pair. Two other players have called his bet and raise, so they might be on a flush draw. So how do you calculate your outs in this case? That leaves you with five outs in total. If an ace or a king comes, that should be enough to win the pot.

But if two players call your button raise, they could have a K-J or A-J. One of them could even have flopped a set. Your hand is strong enough to go all the way to the river.

One you know your outs, you need to work out the pot odds. So you need to ask yourself, are your opponents going to carry on putting in chips? Will the player who calls you on the flop do the same on the turn especially if you hit your hand? If the pot odds look good then you should play.

But always keep the reverse implied odds in mind. If the pre-flop raiser has A-K which is not unlikely a queen is going to be bad news. So play the hand as if you only had four outs. So if your hand looks strong enough, you need to think about whether to move now - or wait and potentially lose your edge.

Semi-bluffing is quite a powerful play and will see down a lot of opponents. We know — calling is hard. Generally, the more aggressive the bet, the more likely you should make that call. What now? Why make a continuation bet?

How much should a continuation bet be? The benefits of a continuation bet. In a nutshell, a continuation bet is when you bet before the flop because you've got a good hand, then a useless trio of cards appear and you bet again — rather than checking or folding — to maintain the illusion that your hand is still a strong one.

The reasons for this are simple:. It's a powerful move when used appropriately, which allows you to win a lot of pots that you aren't entitled to, simply because you have shown strength. However, many players misunderstand the theory behind the continuation bet, believing it should always be half the size of the pot.

This isn't the case. In cash games and tournaments with deep stacks, a half-pot-sized continuation bet often isn't big enough to get the job done. If the bet doesn't threaten to take a serious chunk out of their stacks, opponents will often call you with marginal hands such as flush draws or middle pair, hoping to get lucky and bust you.

They might even call hoping to bluff you later in the hand — an absolute disaster for you. Thus, you'll find that when making a continuation bet, it's best to ensure that your post-flop bet is big enough to really put the fear into all but the most confident players — regardless of what cards they're holding.

There's a significant advantage to playing this way, given that it's a very context-sensitive tactic so you won't be doing it repeatedly and labelling yourself as predictable, and that you're going to be able to make most players back down relatively quickly, ensuring you can rake in a few easy pots as the game or tournament continues.

Let's take a look at an example. These are good cards to start with, and at this point you've no idea what the flop will be, so you go in confident and make the bet. Not a colossal one, but enough to show that you're confident in your cards.

Then the flop comes in and it's all low cards that are of no use to you. Show no fear, as now the continuation bet is placed — one significantly larger than your opening bet. Showing strength, in a variety of ways over the course of a game of poker , is very valuable to you because you're building a confident image of someone who bets well when the odds are in.

Of course, continuation betting on every single hand is going to let you down eventually as people will realise you're just taking risks in an effort to intimidate.

But doing it when you've got a hand like the one above — strong, high cards but no pair — is wise as it's almost impossible that it'll happen every time you're dealt a pair of cards. The only thing worth bearing in mind with a tactic like this is the huge amount of risk you're taking.

As mentioned above, your continuation bet a chunk of your chips large enough to make it look like you've got serious faith in your hand plus your pre-flop bet means you are down a worrying amount of chips should someone call you on your bet with a better hand than yours.

It's a bold move, and one that you shouldn't be willing to make unless you can play as well short-stacked as you can when you've got a stack big enough to try a daredevil bluff like this one.

But when it works, it's like all moments in poker when you pull something off like you're a member of Ocean's Eleven.

The continuation bet is a master bluffer's tool — make use of it. It's one of the first things you learn when playing tournament poker: don't bet into a dry side-pot.

People say that if you and an opponent see the flop when a third player is all-in, you shouldn't normally bet - because it's more important to eliminate the all-in player than win a few extra chips. This has become one a common fallacy in poker.

In fact, there are many situations where it is correct to bet rather than attempt to knock out the third player. Let's look at some situations where it is correct to bet into a side-pot - and some where it's best to hang onto your chips.

First of all, let's talk about situations where this received wisdom is true. That is, when you shouldn't bet into a dry sidepot:.

One situation is when you're in the bubble stages of a tournament or when you're at a stage in the tournament where there's about to be a significant jump in prize money.

Then, your primary goal is to eliminate players. That's because you make money every time a player is knocked out. For example, imagine you're in a tournament where 27 places are paid and 28 players remain.

If two of you are in the pot and another player is all-in you should do whatever is necessary to eliminate the opponent who is all-in. Usually, this means checking the hand down to give the maximum possible chance of eliminating the third player if your hand doesn't eliminate the all-in player, your opponent's hand might.

So, In general, you would only bet a very strong hand like a set, straight or flush - hands that are virtually guaranteed to win the pot. But had you had bet, you may not have eliminated the player - and may even have risked going out on the bubble yourself.

Obviously, this alternative costs you money in the long run and it's something you should avoid. It's clear that there are situations where you should not bet and should try to eliminate players instead.

However, the big mistake so many players make is to carry this advice over to all tournament situations, instead of just the specific ones it applies to. They see this as universal advice because they don't fully understand the concepts behind it. The big blind is and it folds to you. What size bet should you make?

Most standard opening bets fall somewhere in the 2. Putting in a preflop raise somewhere in this range should be enough to scare away all the trash-hand players and boil the action down to one or two to see the flop. At this point, having flopped top pair with a good kicker, you can be reasonably confident you are ahead.

There are just a few hands that beat you pocket aces, pocket queens, pocket 4s, A-K, A-Q, A-4 and Q It is probably safe to assume that pocket aces, pocket queens, A-K and A-Q would have re-raised you preflop at least they should have with the presence of more than one other player still active in the pot.

The big blind is first to act and checks to you, leaving you the decision to either check or bet. For more detailed information on the art of the bluff, read the CardsChat guide to bluffing.

But a few rules to remember for betting as a bluff are:. You also need to make sure your bets tell a consistent story. The size of the bet might scare people away, but the inconsistent manner in which you played the hand might also give away that you are bluffing. It is much easier to bluff a good player than a bad player , so if you find yourself up against several inexperienced players, it is probably a good idea to shelve any bluffing tactics.

Instead, these are the players you should be value betting against constantly. Value betting means betting or raising in the hopes that your opponent s will call with worse hands as opposed to bluffing , which has the opposite intent — you want players to fold better hands.

Less experienced players are not going to fold whenever they connect with a flop or get a pocket pair, so keep the pressure on these players all the way to the river if you feel you have the best hand. Size your bets so they are likely to call and these players will keep calling well beyond when they should fold, giving you a nice, big pot.

If your opponents are tight , then bluffing can be more profitable because they are more likely to lay down a decent hand against an aggressive player. Similarly, if you are up against aggressive players and you know there is a good chance a player will raise your bet, you should take that into consideration before putting any chips into the pot.

If you decide you are going to fold if they raise you, then a check may be a wiser move. Your table image refers to how other players in the game think of you , and this can play a big role in the effectiveness of your betting.

On the other hand, if you are seen as a tight player who folds frequently to bets and raises, then expect savvy players to bet into you more often. This could work to your advantage, of course, when you have a really strong hand, but it also will force you to make a lot of decisions and it will increase the importance of your cards connecting with the flop.

This style will cause other players to respect your raises more, but that means you may have difficulty building up substantial pots because players are folding to your bets. Your betting is how you communicate the relative strength or weakness of your hand to the other players at the table.

A strong, decisive bet indicates a strong hand, or at least that is what you want your opponents to believe. When playing live you should be ready and, when it is your turn to act, announce your action clearly and put the chips in the pot in one clean motion.

The best poker players will be able to pick up on any tells you give away, so try to stay consistent in how you physically execute your moves at the table. Calling, checking, hesitation, fumbling with your chips, indecision and re-checking your cards several times are all actions that indicate weakness.

Find even more ways to raise your game in our poker strategy guides. Know Your Betting Options When playing poker, you only ever have five options. You should know when to: CHECK: Stay in the hand without betting your money provided nobody else bets. FOLD: Discard your cards, giving up any chance to continue in the hand and win the pot.

BET: The first player to put money in the pot starts off the betting. Other players must then decide whether to call, fold or raise. CALL: Match the full amount that has been bet by another player in order to stay in the hand.

Bettjng TO TAKE DOWN Bettting HAND. Take a seat poke poker betting table and discover the power pop slots free poker. When poker betting pokef player go all-in? It this directly affects your bottom line. The term "no-limit" seems simple enough. Pro Poker Table. The best poker players will be able to pick up on any tells you give away, so try to stay consistent in how you physically execute your moves at the table.

By Dulkis

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